
Is Cactus Toxic to Cats or is it Safe? Explained

Thinking of getting a low-maintenance potted cactus plant but also wondering if you can grow cactus around your pet cats? Just as with children, cats should be monitored closely when it comes to what plants they are exposed to.

Is cactus toxic to cats? In contrast to popular belief, cactus is generally safe for cats, and not poisonous. While some house plants may contain harmful substances that could hurt your cat, this one is completely safe. Although the plant does not have poisonous spines, it is important to remember that your cat could be injured by them.

Keep reading to learn about the relationship between cats and cactus, what makes cactus enticing to your cat, and how to keep your cat away from it.

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The Relationship Between Cats And Cactus

The Relationship Between Cats And Cactus

Several flowers and plants are harmful to cats, according to PetMD. It’s possible that the plants induce inflammation in the mouth, skin, or stomach if consumed in large quantities. Long-term exposure to these hazardous plants may result in organ failure, including the liver, heart, and kidneys. This does not include cacti.

Here are a few examples of plants that are dangerous to cats:

  • Lily of the Valley
  • Castor beans
  • Azaleas
  • Amaryllis
  • Autumn crocus
  • Cyclamen
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Daffodils
  • English ivy
  • Dieffenbachia 
  • Devil’s ivy
  • Hyacinth
  • Kalanchoe

Fortunately, cacti aren’t included in this list of invasive species. As a result, you can use this plant to decorate your living space.

Many people incorrectly believe that cactus can only be found in arid climates. Cactus can survive and thrive in a wide range of habitats, including those that are completely unlike the typical arid desert climate. Rain forests, as well as locales with a wet environment, such as northern Canada, are examples of sites where the plant can thrive despite their unusual location.

In order to thrive in varied climates, cactus plants must be able to quickly adapt to their surroundings. These plants are excellent for both indoors and outdoors. The best part about this plant is that it requires very little upkeep and is extremely low maintenance. In contrast to most plants, which require a great deal of attention, this plant flourishes with little effort needed.

Even while cactuses aren’t poisonous to cats, they can chew on them and leave you with stubs instead of the lovely indoor or outdoor plant you’d hoped to get. Secondly, there’s the constant mess that results from your cat’s inability to consume and swallow all its nibbles.

What Makes Your Cat Attracted To Your Cactus?

What if your cat is biting or hitting the plants in your house? Here are a few reasons why your cat might not want to leave your plants alone.


Cats are inquisitive by nature. You may have heard the idiom “curiosity killed the cat,” which refers to a cat’s willingness to go to extraordinary measures to satisfy its curiosity.

While your cat may be familiar with other house plants in your house, the cactus plant may be a new one to him. When you water the plant, the spikes and expanding stems and branches might pique your cat’s interest. It’s possible that your cat is simply testing the plant’s reaction by swatting at it or biting it occasionally.

Roughage Need

Black and white cat sniffing cactus

Even though cats are carnivores, a little fiber helps with indigestion. Because of this, even if your cat does try to eat your cactus, they may not like the flavor and spit it out. Even if they accidentally consume some of it, it won’t do them any harm because it contains some fiber.

The amount of fiber your cat consumes must be monitored carefully since too much is harmful to him. Cats, by nature, are carnivores and thrive on proteins, thus a diet high in fiber could deplete the body of its amino acids. If your cat is constantly throwing up, it could be because it has swallowed too much cactus.


The succulent plant has the ability to hold hundreds of gallons of water at a time. Leaves, roots, and even stems of the plant have evolved to be water-smart. According to research, this plant conserves more water than it loses during photosynthesis or evaporation when it is exposed to high temperatures. 

You can understand why these plants always appear plump and succulent, which is why they may be enticing to cats. Make sure your cat has access to fresh water at all times. The behavior will make the cat less likely to drink from your cactus in the future.

Nutrient Deficiency

When a cat’s diet is deficient in certain critical elements such as iron or calcium, he or she may resort to eating the soil. Your cat may wind up biting your plants in its attempt to reach the soil, causing them to look unattractive.

If you observe that your cat is constantly reaching for the dirt in your cactus, you should take him or her to the nearest veterinarian as soon as possible. The veterinarian will conduct a complete examination of your cat and will provide you with advice regarding any mineral deficiencies that your cat may be suffering from. In addition, the doctor will give you advice on the finest mineral sources and may even prescribe some supplements for you to take at home.

New Texture Craving

The texture of your cactus may be enticing to the cat, who prefers meat over plants. It’s possible that your cat will try to eat the plant to get a sense of how it tastes and feels.


Cats enjoy rubbing their fur all over the place. A scratchy cat may try rubbing its fur against the plant to try and relieve the itching.

You should also check your cat’s gums and teeth for signs of infection, which can lead to gum disease or tooth decay. Go to the vet and have your cat’s teeth checked so you know how to best care for them.

Keep Your Cat Away From Cactus: 5 Simple Ways

Worried that your cat is destroying your plants? Here are some tips on how to keep your cat safe from your plants. Keep your cat away from your cactus by using one of the following methods.

Provide a variety of greens to choose from

When faced with no other choice but to devour your plant, certain cats are drawn to everything green. Provide some kitty grass or even lettuce for your cat as an alternative to dry cat food. After eating a few greens here and there, your cat is unlikely to revert to your cactus for sustenance.

Kitty grass is available at your neighborhood pet store. An alternative is to receive supplements from your veterinarian that contain all of the nutrients and vitamins found in the grass. These supplements can be added to your cat’s regular food.

Make sure your home has a litter box for your cat

Cat using a litter box

If there isn’t a litter box around, cats will use anything that’s similar. Buy a litter box and train your cat to use it before you buy your plant. Otherwise, they’ll turn your prized indoor plant into the litter box.

Place your plant in an inaccessible location

If your cat has ever been pricked by a cactus, the cat is unlikely to forget the experience anytime soon. Your cat will try to bite and swat the plant whenever he has the chance, which could lead to numerous shattered stems.

Make an effort to keep your cat away from your plant by placing it in an area where it won’t be accessible. You could, for example, erect a few meters of shelving above the ground. Make sure your cat can’t access your succulents by climbing on surrounding furniture.

Hanging baskets with your plants is an excellent technique to keep them out of your cat’s reach. These gorgeous baskets are available in home improvement stores. They will not only keep your kitty away but also enhance the appearance of your home.

Make the smell of your plant unpleasant to the cat

A cat has a keen sense of smell. When trying to keep your cat away from your cactus, it’s critical to use odors in your favor.

Citrus and cayenne pepper are two odors that cats dislike. To keep your plant healthy, stay away from products that include concentrated citrus juices or oils.

Peels from oranges or lemons may do wonders for your plant, and they are completely safe to use. If you spread a few peels around your plant, you may rest assured that no cats will come near it.

Cayenne pepper can be sprinkled about your plant, but don’t use it much. Your cat will shun this plant if it even gets a smell of it.

Use vinegar to spray your plant

Another method to keep your cat away from your plants is to use a vinegar-water mix as an alternative. Spray around your plant with a solution made up of three parts vinegar and one part water.

Wrap It Up

There is no reason why cats and cactus cannot share a home. Even if your cat isn’t showing any interest in your plant at the moment, he or she may change their mind later.

Even though pet poisoning is extremely rare, your pets could be at risk if left unattended. If you’re unsure, just do a quick search online to see if it’s okay to have the plant around. An extensive list of poisonous and non-toxic plants for cats, dogs, and other home pets can be found on the ASPCA’s website (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). Prevent damage to the plant and harm to the cat by taking action right away.

Read about Dogs and Cactus safety here!