
How To Care For Old Man Cactus | A Helpful Guide

If you’re searching for a unique houseplant that will give your living space more character, then the old man cactus makes a great choice for you.

The old man cactus (Cephalocereus senilis) isn’t a wrinkly poor cactus! On the contrary, it’s a very sweet cactus with white fluffy hairs all over the surface of the cactus body.

The name was inspired by the “hairstyle” which resembles the hairstyle of some older men. It’s a very adaptable indoor cactus that can grow in most of the US growing zones.

In today’s article, we’ll talk about the old man cactus in great detail and teach you how to care for old man cactus properly, so let’s take a closer look.

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How To Care For Old Man Cactus

How To Care For Old Man Cactus

The old man cactus thrives in hot and dry weather with very bright sunlight. It’s native to Mexico, however, the cactus can also be grown in the United States Department of Agriculture zones 9-11.

The long white hair of this cactus is used by the plant to keep itself cool in the hot climate. It’s a super sweet and funny-looking outdoor cactus that’s commonly grown as a potted plant.

So, how big does an old man cactus get? Old man cactus can grow up to 45 feet tall! However, it’s slow-growing as a potted plant, so it remains very small indoors. Therefore, you can keep it in a small container pretty much forever.

The home of your old man cactus should be a western or southern-facing window with temperatures of 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, let’s learn some more on how to grow this unique cactus.

How to grow Old Man cactus

First and foremost, choose the right type of soil. This cactus prefers a mix of perlite, sand, and topsoil or cactus mix for indoor cactus growing. Furthermore, utilize an unglazed pot for growing this cactus. This will enable the pot to absorb up any excess water.

The old man cactus prefers dry soil, so over watering can cause root rot and diseases. It also likes lots of sun and warm temperatures. Also, keep in mind that pests such as scale, mealybugs, and flying pests can hide in the hair, so keep a close eye on your cactus.

Old man cactus care tips

Always let the top few inches of the soil dry out completely between waterings and decrease watering frequency during winter. Water your cactus 1-2 times during the winter season.

It’s also very important to keep your new cactus well-fed with cactus food in early spring. You might even be rewarded with some dense lovely pink flowers! The old man cactus produces a 1-inch long fruit when grown outdoors. However, this isn’t a common thing in captive indoor cultivation.

Growing from seeds and cuttings

You can propagate this cactus from seeds or cuttings. Note that the seeds take longer to develop into a cactus. However, it’s a cheap and fun project for adults and kids.

Cuttings need to stay on the counter in a dry spot for a few days to form a callus. Then, you can put the cut end with the dry callus into perlite or sand. Keep your cuttings in moderate light and temperatures about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. And don’t water until it has rooted.

Where To Place Old Man Cactus

Where To Place Old Man Cactus Cephalocereus senilis

Find a bright spot in your home or office where you can watch your old man cactus thrive! We suggest placing your cactus in a western or southern-facing window that gets a lot of sunlight. 

Is This Cactus Winter Dormant?

You can actually encourage your old man cactus to turn winter dormant so that it will develop better. In winter, there’s less sunlight that would help promote development, so your cactus could become fragile. Keep your cactus in a place with temperatures between 50 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

How To Water Old Man Cactus

When watering your old man cactus, make sure to give it at least a few days between waterings. A good rule of thumb is waiting until the soil dries out completely.

Most old man cacti die because people don’t water them properly. In other words, they overwater their cacti. So, use well-draining soil and water moderately.

Does Old Man Cactus Have Pest And Disease Problems?

One of the main issues in old man cacti includes overwatering and pests. Cacti don’t like damp roots. And damp roots cause root rot. And root rot attracts different pests.

Additionally, mold can be a big issue because of the long and soft hair of this cactus, which is why it’s very important to water your plant properly. Make sure your old man cactus dries out properly after watering. Otherwise, mildew might set in, spread super quickly, and destroy your cactus.

Note that mealybugs or spider mites can hide in your plant’s long hair as well. Thus, check your old man cactus occasionally during the year. If you notice anything, use a mild insecticide.

Last Tips

Finally, let’s look at a few hair care tips for your old man cactus!

When taking care of the hair of this cactus, wait until it’s slightly dirty or brown, then wash it with water and detergent. Make sure to mix the solution thoroughly before applying it to the hair.

Once you’re done, rinse with clean water. Also, make sure that you cover the solution with a sheet of plastic so that it doesn’t get into the soil. You can also choose not to clean your plant’s hair.

This plant can be grown outdoors, depending on your living area. As we mentioned, the old man cactus likes warm and dry air and lots of light.

So, if you meet the needs of this cactus, you can watch it thrive and even provide lovely flowers. What’s your opinion on this funny-looking cactus? Have you ever had experience with this cactus?

If so, leave a comment, and let’s continue the conversation below!