
Can Cactus Plants Absorb Radiation? The Real Facts

The widespread use of modern electronics that generate radiation might pose a health risk to your family. This is something you should think about, especially in this day and age when so many people rely on WiFi and other technological equipment to function. However, there is some good news: by adding cactus plants that absorb or battle electromagnetic radiation, you can reduce your exposure.

Radiation can have a number of detrimental effects on your body and health, especially if you are exposed to it for an extended period of time. It’s only natural to look for ways to reduce radiation exposure.

Electromagnetic radiation has been linked to repeated headaches and higher levels of stress. Having cactus plants around you will help fight these symptoms while simultaneously improving the appearance of your home or office. It is a win-win!

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How Am I Exposed to Radiation?

Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) radiation is emitted by computers, cellphones, and almost all other electronic gadgets.

This is non-ionizing radiation with low energy, and there is minimal evidence that it is detrimental to humans (or animals or plants) in a short span of time.

However, because the word “radiation” brings up ideas of nuclear disasters, cancer, and other serious health concerns, it’s reasonable that people are frightened, even if we are talking about a different form of radiation.

Also, just as some people are overly sensitive to loud noises, strong odors, or other non-harmful stimuli, EMF radiation also has an impact on how people feel.

It is also plausible that people are experiencing some of these symptoms as a result of something known as the “nocebo” effect.

The nocebo effect is similar to the placebo effect. Except instead of a positive impact, such as pain relief from a sugar tablet, the nocebo effect is negative.

There are so many negative correlations between radiation and negative health consequences. So, just knowing that they are being exposed to radiation of any kind might lead some people to develop physical symptoms. These effects are extremely real, yet they are not necessarily produced by radiation.

Will My Cactus Protect Me from Radiation?

Will My Cactus Protect Me from Radiation

Most scientists believe that EMF radiation is safe. Nonetheless, you should limit your exposure to it. 

However, according to some research, electromagnetic radiation from computers can be a source of health problems such as headaches, fatigue, memory problems, and sleeplessness.

Some researchers suggest filling your home with houseplants, especially cactus, to reduce the impact of harmful radiation. They cite questionable studies that claim cacti are excellent at attracting and soaking up radiation.

So, can keeping a cactus near your computer provide any protection?

In simple words, no. As radiation only travels in straight lines, using a cactus to restrict your radiation exposure requires the cactus to be placed between you and the radiation source.

EMF radiation functions in the same way as light. Nothing you put on your desk will collect all of that energy. But, if you place a cactus between you and the light, the cactus will soak in and reflect a portion of the light, casting a shadow over you.

Since cacti are unusually dense, they may be marginally better at blocking radiation than other varieties of houseplants. This is because dense materials absorb EMF radiation more easily.

However, your body will also absorb radiation. If you are buying cactus for this sole reason, we have got some bad news for you: you will merely have a smaller partner to absorb EMF with you. If you are near a smartphone or WIFI connection, for example, you will still be exposed to some amount of radiation, even if you have a plant nearby.  

Reasons You Should Keep A Cactus

Reducing Stress

Reducing-Stress with Cactus Plants

Scientists have proven that simply gazing at growing plants can make people feel less stressed. People who have a large number of plants around them tend to be happier, calmer, and more able to focus on their tasks.

This is a wonderful incentive to maintain a couple of cacti on your desk!

Eliminating VOCs

Cactus are great at Eliminating VOCs

VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are substances released by a variety of synthetic materials that we use on a daily basis, such as paint and plastics. They have been linked to a variety of health issues, including everything from headaches to cancer.

Cacti, for example, can absorb and eliminate VOCs from the air. For the best effect, include several plants and allow for gentle air circulation.

Improving Health

Cactus help with improving health

Some studies have shown that having plants in your environment can really benefit your health, in addition to lowering stress. This could be related to the fact that soil acts as a sponge, balancing the humidity in your home.

Skin and mucous membranes split more easily in dry air, allowing infections to enter your body. It’s also likely that plant health benefits are related to their capacity to relieve stress. This makes it easier for your body to fight viruses and bacteria on its own.

An Oxygen Boost

Oxygen Boost from Cactus Plants

Cacti, like other plants, absorb carbon dioxide and add oxygen to the atmosphere.

Cacti have an interesting photosynthetic system that allows them to release all of their oxygen at night, making them ideal for keeping in the bedroom to help your sleep.

They are Easy to Grow and Maintain

Cactus are Easy to Grow and Maintain

To keep a cactus alive, you don’t need to be an expert. Your little cactus pal can survive for years with just a little watering—some types just need it once a month!

Read our in depth guide on How To Care for An Indoor Cactus!

Cacti & Radiation: Conclusion

While cactus is not an effective way to protect yourself against all of the EMF radiation, they do have a lot of other benefits.

Continuous exposure to mobile radiation might result in a variety of issues. Skin burns and radiation illness can be caused by waves emitted by electronic equipment such as cell phones and WiFi.

The more technology we use, the more we should be concerned about radiation. One of the best ways to shield yourself against radiation is to grow indoor plants. 

The fact that plants absorb radiation has been verified by several researchers. The radiation emitted by electronic gadgets has the potential to cause health problems; to what extent is currently unknown. Plants, including cactus, do actually absorb radiation, even if it is just a small amount!