
8 Most Rare Cactus In The World | Fun Facts!

If you’re looking to elevate the decor of your home or garden, finding a perfect rare cactus might just be your way to go. This plant needs very little attention, so you don’t have to constantly worry about watering it or taking care of it. 

But let’s be honest, many of us have a cactus as a part of our decor mainly because of its pleasing looks and easy-to-grow nature. So how exactly can you stand out with your cactus? Well, we got you! 

Getting yourself a rare species of cactus is an exciting thing that will take your gardening collection to a whole different level. With nearly 2,500 different species of this plant, you have many options to choose from, and yes, it can be overwhelming. 

Although you might have some experience growing a cactus, things tend to be different when it comes to the rarest cactus around. Some of these species might need more attention but trust the process because the results bear fruits! 

Having said that, let’s have a look at the rarest cactus around! 

Table of Contents

1. Haageocereus Tenuis

Scientific name: Echinopsis tenuis

The haageocereus tenuis is hands down the rarest cactus species, mainly found in northern Peru exclusively between the Chancay and Huacho region. This species is often covered beneath layers of sands, making it harder to find. Therefore, it is also one of the most expensive cacti, with a striking selling price of around $250,000.

Moreover, the haageocereus tenuis species can survive for over two years without any moisture or water content. So, frequent watering is not a factor here, although it requires watering during its vegetation period and exposure to sunlight. It’s quite the opposite during winters, as it needs to be kept in cool surroundings so that the flowers are not damaged. 

Adding to its rarity is the fact that this plant is listed as a critically Endangered Species, which is expected to become extinct by 2024. 

This cactus may not be considered affordable for every customer, but it is one of the rarest cacti you can have around. 

2. Moonlight Cactus 

Scientific name: Selenicereus         

Moonlight cactus makes it to this list because of its spectacular feature that is extremely rare to witness: the flowers of this plant bloom for only one night. These cactus flowers are delicate and have a strong fragrance that you can’t miss. 

The best thing about this cactus is that it is not difficult to get one of these for your garden. It’s mostly located in Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and northern South America. Furthermore, several species of Selenicereus even produce luxurious tropical fruit commonly referred to as dragon fruit, widely eaten by people all around the globe. 

3. Rubi Ball, aka Hibotan Cactus 

Rubi Ball aka Hibotan Cactus 
Photo by Vengolis

Scientific name: Gymnocalycium Mihanovichii

Rubi ball is a moon cactus species with a striking red color that gives your cactus collection a fantastic vibrant look. It is also commonly known as a red cap cactus. This cactus is relatively easy to find in garden stores and is easy grow as it requires only occasional watering and, ideally, partial shade. 

The rubi ball is a flowering plant that produces pale pink flowers and gray-green fruits. It’s recommended to keep it away from sunlight on extremely hot days as it can damage the delicate flowers. 

Primarily found in South America, this plant completely lacks chlorophyll; therefore, it is generally grafted onto Hylocereus cactus for survival. This is what gives it the ‘moon cactus’ status. 

This remarkable cactus species is excellent to add as your houseplant as it is easy to grow and adds variety to your cactus collection. 

4. Blossfeldia Lilliputian

Scientific Name: Blossfeldia

Blossfeldia Lilliputian is one of the most famous miniature cacti alive, which is why this unusually little plant makes it to the rarest cactus list. 

This cactus does not have any ribs or spines like other typical cacti do and therefore grows as a bunch of round and little bulbs. These plants produce beautiful flowers that are white or sometimes even pink. 

A word of warning. Although the idea of planting the smallest and adorable cactus in the world is tempting, growing this plant in your home is a challenging task. It is found in some areas of Argentina and Bolivia; this cactus is incredibly unique in terms of its growth. 

These are the only cacti that can completely dry out and then rehydrate their cells after being watered. Various discoveries show that they can lose up to 80% of their moisture in one year and then survive depletion for another year. 

Fun fact – The name of this cactus species comes from the elusive mythical country of lilliput.

5. Strombocactus Disciformis

Rare Strombocactus Disciformis Cactus


Strombocactus disciformis

Scientific Name: Strombocactus disciformis

According to the IUCN Red List, this species is vulnerable and becoming rare because they are experiencing a constant decline in their numbers. 

This is one of Mexico’s most rare cactus plants because it is the only variety within its genus and can only be discovered growing on cliffs of central and northeast parts of the country. 

Strombocactus disciformis grows slowly, with a stubby and round structure, producing brilliant pink flowers along the top. They are, however, exceedingly solitary and difficult to locate. Along with this, these species have different plants that will produce cream-colored flowers.

If you wish to grow this rare cactus, pay close attention to it and don’t overwater it, especially during the winter.

6. Bizanguita

Most Rare Cactus Bizanguita Turbinicarpus alonsoi


Photo by Peter A. Mansfeld

Scientific Name: Turbinicarpus Alonsoi

The natural habitat of this plant, where it is found and grows exclusively, is the rocky slopes of Xichu, Guanajuato, Mexico, which makes this cactus difficult to find. 

The Bizanguita cactus is a small, round cactus with a deep green color. It blooms with beautiful white flowers on thick stems larger than the cactus itself, creating a breathtaking appearance. 

Although most cactus collectors grow this plant because of its aesthetically delightful looks, this cactus is much more valuable than its appearance as it is listed under endangered species. There are only about 5,000 Bizanguitas left in the whole world. 

7. Discocactus Horstii Buining & Bredero

Discocactus Horstii Buining and Bredero Cactus


Photo by Michael Wolf

Scientific Name: Discocactus Horstii

The Discocactus Horstii grows only in a few regions in Brazil, which is the natural habitat of this plant. However, the maturation of this plant outside its ideal habitat is closely watched, considering this species is almost on the verge of its extinction.

Growing this stunning cactus can pose a challenge, as you might need to be very particular about its developing conditions. In addition, it has specific watering requirements and primarily requires quartz soil to thrive. 

The stem of this cactus is spherical in shape and is covered with distinctive patterns. Its milky white flowers blossom in the middle of the plant, giving it a captivating appearance.

Truth be told, this cactus is tricky to grow as it requires a lot of attention, but if you are ready to sign up for it, then cheers to you! 

The unusual appearance of this cactus makes it different from any other species and attracts attention, making your garden stand out. 

8. Living Rock 

Rare Cactus Living Rock Ariocarpus Fissuratus

Scientific Name: Ariocarpus Fissuratus

This stone-looking cactus is extremely difficult to locate as these cacti have a unique ability to camouflage themselves and can only be spotted due to the pinkish flowers that bloom in October and early November. 

Primarily found in northern Mexico and Texas in the United States, these cacti require a slight amount of water and decent exposure to sunlight for proper growth. Moreover, to ensure that this cactus is healthy, it is ideal to use fertilizer, and loose sandy soil with good drainage.

The most distinct feature of this plant is its defense mechanism. This cactus does not have spine structures. Instead, it develops psychoactive chemicals it releases to keep the animals or any other threat away. So, it’s recommended to handle this plant with extreme care as it can cause intoxication to humans as well. 

Generally, this cactus takes at least a decade to reach maturity on its own. So, to speed up the process, Ariocarpus Fissuratus is often grafted to a faster-growing columnar cactus.

It is better not to grow this cactus at your home because of its poisonous nature. 


Now that you know about some of the rarest cactus species, go right ahead and get yourself one! With the right plant and proper knowledge, you can grow these cacti with the necessary care. 

Growing an exotic plant in your garden is challenging whether you have experience with cactus or not. Therefore you must know all about these plants before getting one for your garden. 

Hopefully this blog helped you learn all about the rarest species of cactus and whether or not you should include one in your perfect collection.